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It’s Summer! If you need a spot to write out your summer goals or plans, I have a printable for you! I sent a few options to my newsletter subscribers so they could vote on their favorite and this is the one they liked best! (Although I changed the title from Summer Goals to Summer Plans)
I originally couldn’t decide if I should title it Summer Goals or Summer Plans. I asked my subscribers about the term Goal vs Plans and PLANS won out! Although many who picked goals had great reasons for preferring the term goals. I like the term GOALS for various reasons and I want to make sure I am intentional about my time….but also don’t think that summer should be a completely goal-oriented season. We need plenty of rest, relaxation, and unplanned time too!
I personally don’t schedule too many activities into our summer. I may think ahead on a few things that I want to accomplish or enjoy, but don’t like a packed schedule. This morning my kiddos and I headed out for a leisurely morning in our favorite neighborhood in the cities.
I love to be able to get up, decide what we are in the mood for, and take off to do as we please! I know that there will be more scheduled into our summer when kiddos are older, so I will enjoy the freedom while I have it!
I hope you enjoy thinking through what you want your summer to look like! Here is a printable to help plan your summer. Summer Plans
Sorry about the term “things” in Things to Enjoy. I considered Food to Eat, Activities to Enjoy, and more…but I couldn’t figure out a phrase to include everything else. If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave it in the comments!
Check out my Summer Schedule Tips + Tricks here.
Do you need a few ideas? Check out 15 Things to Do This Summer.
What are you most looking forward to this summer?
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Onlygirl4boyz says
This is such a great idea and as someone who likes to have a plan, I will totally use this!
Krystal Sadler says
I NEED this in my life! Thank you so much for sharing this! :)
Nostalgia Diaries says
Oh, I totally could use these! Awesome :)
nbanuelosblog says
Thank you for the cute printables! :)
Danielle @ A Sprinkle of Joy says
First off I love the printable…. and I have no idea if I like plan or goal better! Second off, I too, am a total multi-tasker. I like the idea of trying to get one thing done at a time, before moving on to the next task. I think I will try that too!
allthingsbigandsmallblog says
I love your printables! And yes, as a WAHM I am definitely trying to keep my schedule light but stay engaged! It is so important for bloggers when Q4 is our biggest months!
val says
love the breakdown of things to do! gonna fill these out with my kids