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Last week I shared at Her View From Home about a construction paper heart that was my reminder of what our children really need. Not the extravagant, expensive toys, but the love and attention from their parents. A simple paper heart and a small simple gesture will do.
My daughter and I attend a class each week. The week before Valentine’s Day, I walked into the parent room and found red and pink crafting materials all over the tables. This day we had a project to do.
At the end of our hour together the parents all walked into the children’s room and gave them their paper hearts. The ceremony of it all felt a little lame until I saw how excited she was to get a Valentine from me. She was beaming. She just stared at it and was almost in awe that I had made this for her.
Her grin showed me that she felt special. She felt loved. It was a simple heart that was not fancy or especially artsy, but that didn’t matter. She knew that mom made it just for her.
Read the entire post about a simple paper heart at Her View From Home.
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Cat says
What a lovely story and a reminder to use moms. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Patricia says
What a sweet story! And reminder!
Gretchen says
What a great reminder..I Need to do this for my sweethearts!
Nili says
What a valuable lesson to all of us mamas who sometimes think our kids need the biggest, newest, best…when they really need is love from us.
P.Jeanne says
So very sweet watching your child’s eyes light up is one of the most precious parts of being a momma
Maria says
Isn’t it amazing how much our kids remind us that it’s really just about the little things? Whether that’d be a paper heart or a peck on the cheek, they don’t really ask for much–just our love. This was a beautiful piece, Emily. Thanks for sharing it with us on #shinebloghop