Shopping online? Get cash back + a $40 bonus. It takes seconds and the cash back adds up!Both my girls were up much earlier than planned, which required me to change my perspective and choose thankfulness instead. Before 6 AM, I knew that this morning would not be a productive one in checking items off my to-do list. It would…
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Morning Day Four – No Snoozing
I was a notorious snoozer. In high school, I would hit the snooze button for 50 minutes…on a good day. I had my own room, so this habit didn’t impact anyone. In college I had 3 roommates. I’m thankful that for some odd reason they showed an immense amount of patience with me, as my habit didn’t stop when sharing a small space…
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Morning Day Three…Doesn’t Go As Planned? Change Your Perspective. Be Thankful.
Getting up before my daughters has been key to starting my day off on the right foot. This Bonus Hour – or sometimes more – has been just wonderful. I have time alone to read, write, and enjoy my coffee while it’s still nice and hot. Does any mom out there finish a complete mug of coffee before it gets…
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7 Things to do Every Evening for the Best Morning
Getting up early starts with going to bed early. Obvious? Yes. Easy to forget in the evening? Also, yes! I have always been a night owl and didn’t see any reason to fight that…until I had children. I have to be intentional in my evening, if I want to get to bed early. A great morning starts the evening before….
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Morning Day One – Starting With A Plan
Day One: Getting up was easy as I had a Morning Plan. I had three items on my to-do list that I wanted to complete before the girls woke up. Because I woke up with those three tasks in mind, I was motivated to get out of bed and get started. In the past I have always had a vague…
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