Shopping online? Get cash back + a $40 bonus. It takes seconds and the cash back adds up!Are you an accomplished saver? Or is this an area that continues to be a struggle for you? If it’s a struggle, I suggest that you start small. Every amount counts. Can you give up a latte each week? Can you set aside…
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Morning Day Eight – My Biggest Misconception On Getting Up Early
The days can get long. I am incredibly blessed to be a Stay At Home Mom to two darling, sweet little girls. I love them dearly and cherish the time. There are days when my husband comes home from work and we still are all smiling and happy. And genuinely enjoying each other. Then…there are days. Days that start with…
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Morning Day Seven – How To Add One Hour To Your Day
We all get just 24 hours a day. We are all blessed with 24 hours to use as we see fit. Some days this does not seem like enough. We even convince ourselves that surely everyone else must have a 25 or 26 hour day. How do you sign up for that gig? I was beginning to feel like I…
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Morning Day Six – It’s not ALL about Productivity
I have an attachment to the Sunday paper. Yes, the print edition. I don’t subscribe to the daily newspaper any other day of the week. I would feel the need/obligation to read it every day, when realistically it won’t fit into my day. And it saves money to go online to skim the headlines. Sunday paper? I love it. I…
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52 Week Money Saving Challenge – Spread It Out
Just in time for holiday shopping: Get free cash when you shop online with eBates. Get $10 to start you off! I like the idea of the 52 Week Money Challenge that is often shared online, but I’m not 100% on board. The plan has you saving $1 the first week, $2 the second week, $3 the third week…until you…
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