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How to Enjoy an Early, Joyful, and Productive Morning
I used to roll out of bed with my daughters…haggard and NOT ready for the day. By making the one change of getting up before them, I am able to ENJOY the early morning hours. I find myself more productive and more joyful. Do you want to start your day off right? Do you want to know how to make waking early…
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How to Organize Your Bedroom for the Best Night’s Sleep
Think of your bedroom. Is it a haven for sleeping? Is it a place to go to find respite from the hecticness of life? Or are you surrounded by work? Clutter? Mess? Your bedroom should be used primarily for sleeping. Here are a few tips on how to organize your bedroom for the best night’s sleep: Make your bedroom a…
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Morning Day Eleven – Step Back: Reevaluate and Reassess your Goal
I set a very simple goal for myself. Simple, but a goal that I have never found the motivation to consistently meet. I wanted to start getting up early so I could have time before my daughters woke up for the day. The possibilities of what I could do alone for that hour are practically endless. My three main reasons…
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Morning Day Nine – Morning Joy – How to Wake Your Children with a Smile
Do you want a hectic start to your day? Do you want to be behind from the minute you are vertical? Get up WITH your children. Same time. You peel yourself out of bed when you hear baby’s cry or your older kiddos charge into your bedroom. It will be near impossible to get in a shower or have a few minutes to…
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