Shopping online? Get cash back + a $40 bonus. It takes seconds and the cash back adds up!Do you need cleaning supplies? Check out my list of the Best Cleaning Product Deals and the Best Places to Buy Green Cleaning Products Online. Day Two of the 30 Day Spring Cleaning Challenge: Clean out and organize pantry Prior to starting in…
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Mom, where will you be? Looking towards independence.
Get a $25 credit from Stitch Fix! She always needs to know where I am. The rare times I am away from her, her first question is: Mom, where will you be? Grandpa and grandma come over to babysit. Mom, where will you be? Grandpa and grandma are going to take her to a show. Mom, where will you be? We…
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For Your Reading Pleasure…Links & Books #6
Here are a few weekend reads for you… 7 Ways to Show Your Children You Value Them, Every Day [The Purposeful Mom] Where do we find our confidence? Where do we want our children to find their confidence? 10 Bible Verses for the Worn Out Woman [Faith Along the Way] Here is the movie I saw this week: This man’s…
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How to Use Target Cartwheel
Do you want to know a quick & simple way to save at Target? No paper coupon-clipping necessary? Try Target Cartwheel. I have now saved $275.99 in 15 months. This is approximately $220 per year. Not bad! Update: As of May 2017, I have saved over $700 with Target Cartwheel! Target Cartwheel is one of my top 3 favorite apps for saving…
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March Goals
My Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here? Setting goals helps me remain focused. Sharing my goals helps to hold me accountable. I hope that it may inspire you to set goals for yourself? Give it a try! Start small if it seems overwhelming or like too much work. Or maybe it seems pointless to you? Give…
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