Shopping online? Get cash back + a $40 bonus. It takes seconds and the cash back adds up!Do you have any desire to improve your photography skills? I feel like my photography skills are most definitely lacking. When our second daughter was born, we didn’t have any professional pictures taken of her. I took a few at home in the attempt…
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Morning Wakeup Plan, Morning Breakfast Recipe & Linkup
Here is a quick blurb from an old post… I set a goal of getting up at 6 AM every morning (with hopes to slowly move it even earlier!) and two weeks later I am incredibly excited at how it’s added both productivity AND joy to my days. I have always been a night owl. While I have been intrigued with…
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My Morning Motivation. Make Over Your Mornings.
What do your mornings look like? Hurried, rushed, and stressful? Or enjoyable, productive and peaceful? In high school, college, and while working full-time before kiddos, my mornings were hurried. If it took me 32 minutes to get up, shower, get ready and eat breakfast, you better believe I was waking up 32 minutes before I had to get out the door. Not…
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Pepperoni and Spinach Egg Muffins
Because meal planning is less than one of my favorite things to do, I typically stick to the basics for breakfast and lunch. I often serve my girls their usual of bananas & cereal for breakfast and peanut butter toast & fruit for lunch. While I like not having to plan out breakfast and lunch, I finally decided that I should try…
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Friday Five…The Hardest Peace, Baby in Shades, Farmer’s Market, Mornings
Here are five things for Friday… One I recently started The Hardest Peace: Expecting Grace in the Midst of Life’s Hard. I followed Kara’s blog towards the end of her struggle with cancer and am glad that I picked up her book. I was reading the chapter where she shares the sweet story of how she met her husband. She stresses the…
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