Shopping online? Get cash back + a $40 bonus. It takes seconds and the cash back adds up! This post is part of my 12 Mini Goals Challenge. Small daily habits can make a big difference over the course of a few weeks, months, or even longer. In 2016, I am going to focus on a new habit or mini goal…
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The Ultimate Blogging Resource
Blogging is not always easy. It can be overwhelming. Many bloggers run out of steam before they reach their full potential. You start looking for ways to build your blog, but before long your inbox and brain are filled with conflicting opinions. You wind up feeling MORE overwhelmed than you were in the first place. One thing that I quickly learned is…
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Healthy Living Resources
Standard Disclosure: In order to support my blogging activities and provide free content on this blog, I may receive a commission if you purchase from the links in this post. In my post 7 Habits to Add to Your Morning Routine, I listed the following habits that I like to add to most mornings: Something Essential…Something Encouraging…Something Productive…Something Active…Something Healthy…Something Refreshing…Something to Ignore… Today…
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After School Activities for Kids
We like to keep the after school schedule simple around my home. Because my daughter comes home tired and exhausted from her school day, we don’t currently schedule any activities after school. I like to have my kindergartner come home to do what she enjoys most…free time to just play. Here are a few of the activities that we enjoy once…
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Monthly Goals – September
Grab the Women’s Wellness Bundle here. September 2 and 3 only! My Monthly Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here? Setting goals helps me remain focused. Sharing my goals helps to hold me accountable. I hope that it may inspire you to set goals for yourself. Are you new to goal setting? Here are a few posts that…
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