This post is part of my 12 Mini Goals Challenge.
Small daily habits can make a big difference over the course of a few weeks, months, or even longer. In 2016, I am going to focus on a new habit or mini goal every month. In January, I focused on Daily Movement or Exercise. In February, I focused on cutting down on evening snacking. In March, my goal was 30 days of pilates. In April, my goal was to clear my kitchen counters every night.
My May Mini Goal: Clean Out Clothing Closets and Drawers. 3 items per day.
Everyone seems to be talking about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. I had it on my list of books to read (or at least skim through), but there seems to be so much information online about the book that I may skip over reading it.
Many who read it seem to do a complete overhaul of their clothing. It sounds like a huge project to take everything out of my closets and dresser drawers, go through it all, make the decisions on what to keep or get rid of, and put it all back. I don’t have the desire to set aside the time to do this, so in May I am going to approach decluttering and organizing my clothing a different way. It’s probably not the most efficient way, but I don’t see myself setting aside an afternoon to do it all.
While most of my habits in my 12 Mini-Goals Challenge focus on habits I would like to carry forward, May’s goal is just a temporary habit I want to set. For the month of May, I want to go through 3 clothing items each day. I will decide if I will keep it or get rid of it. I have NO idea if 3 is the number I should use, so I may revisit it throughout the month. Maybe…once I get started, I will go through more clothing items some days and I will actually complete the task in less time.
I realize this is not the recommended way to clean out my clothes. If you read any how-to posts online, the first step is always: Take EVERYTHING out of the closet. That step is followed by a complex step-by-step on how to do this. It often recommends setting aside 3-5 hours. Because I’m not willing to set aside a chunk of 3-5 hours (I’m not sure where that time would come from!), I will just try my method to see if it works.
I found this article helpful with 7 questions to ask when cleaning out your closet. Although the question “Have I worn this in the last 12 months?” is a hard one when you are in the childbearing years. It’s not always an accurate question to ask when going between pre-pregnancy, all three trimesters, post-baby, and whatever happens after the post-baby body. This article on editing your wardrobe also has good tips.
If you want an extensive step-by-step guide, read this: DECLUTTER YOUR HOME: ROOM-BY-ROOM TIPS AND STRATEGIES TO ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE. There are so many great tips here! The guide also shares some of the benefits of decluttering. I think that it’s key to remember why you are taking the time to declutter, especially if it gets overwhelming. I agree with the benefits they share!
What will I do with the clothes? I will probably either sell on ebay or thredUP, give to Goodwill, or toss.
Your May Mini Goal: Clean out clothing closets and drawers. Either set aside an amount to do daily or just do it all at once.
If you want to join me, print off the May Challenge Tracker. The May calendar leaves room for additional notes each day. I added more room on my March tracker and ended up tracking multiple goals on the calendar. It’s nice to have them written down all in one place. Feel free to just place an X on the day when you complete your task if you prefer.
Let me know if you decide to join!
I would love to have you join the 12 Mini Goals Challenge. Sign up for my mailing list if you want to be e-mailed the challenge each month. If we get to a month where the goal doesn’t fit into your life, you can always tweak it to be a mini goal that works for you.
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Samantha says
I love this! I’ve been cleaning out our closets too it just seems it’s that time of year! I’m going to use that list you linked because I always have a hard time getting rid of stuff.
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
This is such a great goal and so timely for me – I need to clean out my closets of maternity clothes and start refilling it with my old clothes and a few transition clothes! I try to clean out our closets seasonally but it’s so easy to forget.
Erin says
This is such a helpful post – I so need to do the take everything out of the closet organization idea! I actually really enjoy organizing and feel so much better every little bit that I get done!
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says
What a great mini challenge for May. I REALLY need to work on decluttering clothes closets too. Stopping by from Motivation monday and hope you linkup this with Small Victories Sunday linkup too!
Ruthie Gray says
Oh thank you, THANK YOU for giving me permission to not throw out my entire closet and get buried alive.
I love the 3 garment rule per day. I’ve decided I’m in. You rock. And these mini goals are the best thing since sliced bread. Truly.
Also your whole blog look is clean and amazing. Do you do all the maintenance?
Great tips, girlfriend. As always!
Emily says
Yeah! Let me know how 3 garments per day works. I have no idea if it’s a good plan or not. We will see! I am happy you are enjoying the mini goals!
Yes, I do the maintenance on my blog. I enjoy playing around with it. And have yet to mess something big up… :)
Susan Shipe says
Neighbors at Jenny’s…(#7)
I love the goal idea and for busy mom’s??? Priceless!
bethany says
So I actually just did this last weekend- it felt great! Definitely worth it when I look in my closet.
The 3 a day idea is interesting- I hope it works well for you! #WomenWithIntention
Michelle says
I’m with you here. If I see one more article on cleaning out closets I’m going to have to de-activate. I agree, it is necessary from time to time and for many the overhaul process can be extreme. My own system is…don’t buy more than you need and if you haven’t worn it in a year, or a season, you probably will not ever wear it again. I’ll even be generous here and say two years! For my “never can throw anything out” readers! Thanks Emily for linking with me today at Party at My Place!
Emily says
Yes…the closet clean-outs can be so extreme and time-consuming! We will see if this method works. I will probably go with more of a 2-year rule like you mentioned, as I have trouble getting rid of something I may possibly wear someday.
Teresa says
My closet is driving me crazy! Everyday I say “I’ve got to clean out my closet”, but the day ends and it wasn’t done. So maybe your way would work for me!
Michele Morin says
My closet applauds you! I’ve got to do this!
Karyl Henry says
I REALLY need to go through all my clothes. I don’t know that I could just do 3 items though! Once I start, I kind of get inspired and go through everything. Maybe I’ll go through one closet at a time. Besides, I’m just about out of hangers :)
Caitlin Elizabeth @ This Brunette Life says
Love the idea of breaking it down. It can be so overwhelming at first, and then halfway through you run out of energy and are left with a huge mess. This is definitely more manageable. Good luck!
Ali says
This is very helpful. I just started my closets after a full round of spring cleaning.
Annie Malone says
I need to do this so badly!! This a great way to start with small goals. I get so overwhelmed when I look at my closet.
Maria says
I love this idea, Emily. Like you said it’s a great way to slowly clean out your closet (instead of devoting a few hours during a weekend to do it all at once). I think 3 sounds like a great number! I’ll be joining the same in May! Thanks for sharing this on #shinebloghop this week :)
Runwright says
Good for you doing what works for you and not just following the trend. I have tried the Kondo method on my closet and quit midway because I just find it overwhelming. All my clothes don’t bring me joy but some of them I have to keep regardless.
I think tackling just a few pieces each day is a great idea.
JES says
Thanks for sharing your realistic approach! This isn’t hard for us to maintain because our closet space is so small, we already are down to the brass tax. But back in the day… :) Thank you for sharing with us this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth!