a few reads from around the web…
| Kyle Porter
Definitely cried while reading this post. Both times. He saw how sufficient God’s love is, even while his daughter was stillborn.
“I’ve always found heaven to be a strange thing. Or rather my relationship with heaven. It seems like a place we should long for more than we do because of how twisted and disturbing the planet we live on is. And yet, I like it here. I really do. C.S. Lewis would say I prefer mud pies.”
5 Prayers to Daily Pray for My Children | The Better Mom
The author lists the five prayers she prays for her children: their salvation, their commitment, their spouse/future spouse, their calling, and their protection. I suggest that you take a few minutes to read her post. She expands on each of the prayers, and it has made a difference in the prayers I have for my girls.
How to Slow Down Your Family’s Schedule | becoming minimalist
I like when articles mention the value of free play, as it seems that goes out with window with overscheduled children. This article mentions 9 ideas to help slow down your children’s schedule, allowing them to have more free play, alone & quiet time, and time to explore.
a recommended book…
I cannot say enough good things about Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World (scheduled to release January 26). I agreed with much of what Kristen Welch shared in her book. I was highlighting so many great points throughout the entire book. I know that I will be reading the book again as our daughters grow older. She shared tips and suggestions for young children, teens, and even adults, so I know this book will be referenced often.
She mentions that the grateful and content attitudes start with the parents. Modeling gratitude is the best way to teach it. It caused me to reflect on my actions and attitudes. It gave me tips for today with a 2 year old and 4 year old. I think the book will become more and more helpful as our daughters grow up. I read a pre-release version on my kindle, but am considering purchasing a paper copy so I can highlight and easily reference the book.
“When we have everything, we are thankful for nothing. When we have nothing, we are thankful for everything.”
“Nothing makes us more grateful than perspective.”
– Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
by Kristen Welch.
She writes about showing gratitude by example, the value of hard work, having a Christ-centered home, having positive interactions with your children, disciplining in love, making smart choices with technology, and much more.
If you only read a parenting book or two this year, I highly suggest picking up Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World. It is an important topic and may change the culture of your family and the attitudes of everyone in your home.
“I cannot tell you anything that, in a few minutes, will tell you how to be rich. But I can tell you how to feel rich, which is far better, let me tell you firsthand, than being rich. Be grateful…It’s the only totally reliable get – rich – quick scheme.” Ben Stein
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Michele Morin says
Just finished reading this one. Excellent. My favorite tip was this: if teens want to play the comparison game with possessions, privileges, etc. be sure to remind them that they should also compare themselves with the very poor both here and in other countries.
So much good in this resource!
Emily says
Yes! I loved that line too.
Victor S E Moubarak says
“Nothing makes us more grateful than perspective.”
Great line. Worth remembering in this materialistic world.
God bless.
Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper says
I was wondering if that book would be applicable to young children. Now I have to be super disciplined to wait until after I read all of my current books this year! ;)
Mary Hill says
What a great list of resources on simplifying and improving your life. Thanks for sharing on Literacy Musing Mondays.
Susannah says
We’re striving so hard to raise our son to be grateful. Thanks for these links! <3
Karen Brown says
As a Sunday School coordinator, I’m frequently faced with our problems of affluence and entitlement. I am putting “Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled Word” on my list for sure. Gratefulness paves the way to humility. Thanks for such good recommendations here. Great post!
Mama Bear says
Thanks for linking up for #LookInABook over at MamaRevivalSeries.com! I’m right there with you, in that I will be holding on to this book for the years to come when my man cubs are middle school & high school aged. I do like the practical applications she has listed for every person in the house from toddler to parent.
Holly @ While I'm Waiting... says
Reading Kristen’s book is at the top of my list! Thank you so much for sharing at Waiting on…Wednesday! Hope you’ll link up with us again tomorrow!
Jane Allen says
That story by Kyle Porter was so emotional to read. I also had a still birth and can relate totally to their experience. The only way I found strength was to tell myself I’ll meet the baby in Heaven. That was the only thing that could comfort me at the moment. Going home without a child you carried for 9 months when other mothers were carrying theirs is not an experience I wish for anyone. But, that experience made me dependent on God. It gave me strength that I never thought I had. And, today, I have kids, bright and beautiful.
Emily says
I am so sorry for your loss. Only our Savior can give us the strength needed!
Yes, it was an emotional read and so beautifully written.
Michelle says
You have picked many great books. I pinned this post. Right now I am reading an old Charles Stanley book and I remember how he was the author in my day of child-rearing like many of these authors are for today’s parenting.
Emily says
Thanks for pinning Michelle!