This post is part of my 12 Mini Goals Challenge.
Small daily habits can make a big difference over the course of a few weeks, months, or even longer. In 2016, I am going to focus on a new habit or mini goal every month. In January, I focused on Daily Movement or Exercise. In February, I focused on cutting down on evening snacking. In March, my goal was 30 days of pilates. In April, my goal was to clear my kitchen counters every night. In May, I attempted to clear out my closet 3 items at a time.
If you have been around my blog for a while you may know that I originally started it as a way to create an early morning habit. Read more about My Morning Motivation here.
When I decided to finally make a habit of getting up early, I set the goal to wake up at 6 AM for two weeks straight to post on the blog. I was excited about starting the blog and it was enough motivation to get myself up early. I have always been a night owl, so this was not an easy task for me. I was intrigued with the idea of getting up early, but it was only a thought. After years of just thinking about it, I made it a habit in two weeks!
I enjoyed my morning time alone and felt like I added an extra hour to my day. I loved my slower, calmer mornings. I lingered over my coffee and spent a few minutes reading my morning devotion. I would hop online to work on my blog or would head outside for a morning run.
I summarized this journey to waking up earlier in this post: How to Enjoy an Early, Joyful, and Productive Morning.
Enter in sleeping issues with one of my daughters and first-trimester exhaustion and my morning reverted back. I still get up a little before my daughters, but I am missing the hour or so I used to have every morning.
My June Mini Goal: Reset my mornings! Wake up at 6:00 AM every morning.
My June mini-goal is to wake up at 6 AM every morning. I want to get back into the routine I began when I first started by blog.
A year and a half ago, I figured out what my doubts and misconceptions were and proved them wrong. I found that I was able to greet my daughters with joy as I was awake and refreshed when they woke up. I loved my new habit and I want to get back into it!
How will I do this? I will follow the following steps:
- I will focus on getting to bed between 10:30 and 11:00. (I don’t typically need more than 7 hours of sleep, but because I’m pregnant and one of my girls is waking up often, I should try and get in a few earlier nights at 10:30.) UPDATE: After yet another night of poor sleep, I think I need to focus on getting to bed between 10:00 and 10:30.
- I will get up every morning at 6:00. When I first started my blog, forcing myself up at 6 AM for 2 weeks straight was all I needed to create a new habit. I am hoping that it works this time around!
- I will record my bedtimes and wake-up times.
Your June Mini Goal: Reset your mornings! Wake up early to make time for yourself each morning or create a new morning habit.
6:00 AM may be early for you or it might be late. I have daughters that do not typically wake up early. They are up anytime between 6 AM and 8 AM, but I have little trouble keeping them in their rooms until 7 AM. If you have early risers, 6:00 AM may not allow for morning time! Or you may have to be up earlier to get to work on time.
If you typically feel rushed in the morning, maybe all you need is to get up 20 minutes earlier to give yourself the extra time to enjoy a more relaxed morning. Maybe all you need is to find your morning incentive and get up just 5 minutes early.
If you already wake up early each morning, consider reevaluating your morning routine and decide if you need to make changes to your morning. If you don’t know where to start read my 7 habits to add to your morning routine.
If you think like I used to think…that sleep is just a waste of time, I recommend picking up the book Sleep It Does a Family Good. I forced myself to read it and it was eye-opening for me!
If you need a step-by-step plan for making over your morning, check out the 14-day online course Make Over Your Mornings. This course is the perfect tool to guide you in making the most of your mornings…and your entire day. It only takes about 15 minutes per day to complete the short video, chapter reading, and task for the day. Get free access to Day One of the course!
If you want to join me, print off the June Challenge Tracker. The June calendar leaves room for additional notes each day. I plan on recording my bedtime and wake-time on this printable. I also track multiple goals on my calendars. It’s nice to have them written down all in one place. Feel free to just place an X on the day when you complete your task if you prefer.
Let me know if you decide to join! What time will you be waking up in June?
I would love to have you join the 12 Mini Goals Challenge. Sign up for my mailing list if you want to be e-mailed the challenge each month. If we get to a month where the goal doesn’t fit into your life, you can always tweak it to be a mini goal that works for you.
This post contains affiliate links.
Stop by to see where I link up each week: Link-Ups
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Emily says
I made getting up before my son a goal back in February by going to bed earlier each night. I’ve been able to do and it has made such a difference in how I feel each morning. I love having my quiet time and enjoying an ENTIRE cup of coffee before jumping into mom mode. Although, some mornings my son wakes up earlier than usual, and I just have to be flexible.
Shajauna says
I definitely need to join in on this. I’ve been trying to wake up earlier for months now, but I keep hitting that snooze button! Thanks for the motivation!
Angela @ Setting My Intention says
It’s interesting to hear you say you were a night owl. I definitely am as well and would like to get up early to work on writing projects, but feel like it’s “against my nature.” It would definitely be the best time to work on these side projects so they don’t interfere with family time.
Char says
I’m in! I can really use some “me time” in the morning. This will be my unfinished project time. And who knows…I’ve been wanting to try meditation….this maybe exactly the time to do it. Thanks!!
Debbie William says
Great challenge to keep us motivated. I’m up at 445 most mornings to get my Bible study done and start working on my goals for the month. Took a challenge a few months back to blog about my monthly goals and I love it.
Elena says
This is convicting and inspiring at the same time :) I really need to get in the habit of going to bed earlier because I love it when I can wake up earlier (for me its closer to 7:30) and read a bit before the busyness begins.
Lauren says
I used to wake up early (5am) but I have kind of fallen off the wagon lately since my work schedule has been all over the place! I loved that time to myself before the kids got up.. maybe I will join you!
Lauren says
I really want to reset my mornings and have been planning on waking up an hour early to try and do some blogging for a while. However, my sons sleep is all over the place at the moment :( He can wake up any time between 5 and 8. If he does sleep in I do get up early but it is a very rare occasion. Hopefully I will be able to implement it soon :D
Charlene Maugeri says
I’ve been trying to wake up earlier all year. I’ll do well for about a week and then fall back. I’m determined to do better in June! This morning, I got up when my alarm went off and was able to do a devotional on my phone. Then I still had time to get ready and sip coffee without being rushed. Why can’t I remember how glorious these mornings are when I’m laying in bed in the mornings and keep wanting to snooze?
Emily says
Yes, it’s not always easy to get out of bed! I try to remember the quiet mornings every night so I can try to get to bed at a decent time.
tineke - workingmommyabroad says
I will aim for the 6am as well, and hopefully have an hour for blogging before my son wakes up (thing is he sometimes wakes up 6ish as well and then with a lot of efforts we get him back to sleep with us for another hour or so, so fingers crossed!)
Lisa Benavidez says
This is an awesome post!! I have a hard time waking up early. Sometimes I try to stay up an hour after bedtime, but that’s more for business. When I do get up and have ME time, I love it and feel better about my day. Thanks for the great ideas!!
Yvonne says
I’ve been trying to do this myself so that I can get a little work done before the little wakes up. Sometimes he isn’t sleeping so soundly though and wakes as soon as he hears my feet hit the stairs. I’m like NOOOO I need a few minutes haha. I hope to get to it soon though.
JeeYoung says
Morning goals are so key to how the rest of the day and week goes! Need to do this!
Michele Morin says
Love me a productive morning!
I’m up at 5:00 most mornings — sometimes earlier, and I find that it really gets me off to a good start to have some quiet and then some hot off the blocks productivity!
Emily says
It sounds like you have this down! I would love to move my wake-up time even earlier someday…probably not until the kiddos are older though. :)
Kendall Patton says
What a wonderful goal! I have found that when I wake (also at) 6am, I can get so much more done (as long as I stay focused) and I do feel like I can better last more of the day with the kiddos at my feet with much less drama! I know I’m typically less stressed, I have been getting my body moving in some exercise again, and I’m able to work on the blog (in relative peace)!
Good luck to you on starting this goal again! And Congrats on your pregnancy!
Lisa notes says
I love mini-goals! They are so much easier to do, and over the long run, they can accomplish just as much. I’ve been working on getting my photos organized this year, 15 minutes at a time. It’s slow, but it’s happening! Thanks for the encouragement to stick with it.
Emily says
Photo organization is a great goal! I should really add that one someday… ;)
Shannon says
Thank you for the motivation!!! I NEED IT! I’m typically a morning person but I still need motivation. Thank you!
Michelle says
Morning person here! Always have been. I don’t even set an alarm, my body wakes up on its own no matter what time I go to bed. Routine I guess. I remember when my girls were younger, getting up before them made all the difference in how much I could get ready before they needed me. I ate breakfast, had quiet time with my Bible, got the laundry started and lunches made to speak of a few. It certainly makes a big difference in our attitude and mood to not be rushed.
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says
I didn’t know you were pregnant again, congrats! I’ve been waking up by 6:15ish every morning this year because my teen is out the door so early, I have to make sure I at least hug and see him before he leaves for school. I’m not a morning person but I have been enjoying the extra hour in my day before his brothers have to get up for school. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinned to our linkup board.
Emily says
Thanks for the congrats, Tanya! That is great you are enjoying your hour each morning. I agree, it can feel like an extra hour.
Pat says
I’m a HUGE fan of getting up early, before the kids> This, of course, isn’t too hard at my house, as they are all tween/teens and would sleep way past noon if I let them!
I get SO much done in the early morning hours :-)
Thanks for sharing this at Coffee and Conversation last week!! Hope to see you there again soon…
Enjoy your summer!