I don’t make New Years Resolutions every year, but I instead like to break my goals into smaller time frames. Monthly, weekly, daily…it depends on the goal I want to set or the habit I want to create.
For some goals it’s easier to focus on creating a habit. I wanted to become a morning person and get up before my daughters every morning. By forcing myself to do it for a few weeks straight, I ended up creating a habit of getting up before my girls each day. I now don’t even think twice about it.
Small daily habits can make a big difference over the course of a few weeks, months, or even longer.
Do you have a new habit that you want to create next year? What one little task or activity do you want to focus on next year?
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:
- Move or exercise
- Take a walk
- Take 10,000 steps
- Drink X ounces of water
- Enjoy dinner as a family
- Write
- Read devotion
- Complete cleaning routine
- Complete morning routine
- Make bed
- Floss
- Read with children
- Get 7 hours of sleep
- Write down 3 things you are grateful for
- Complement someone
- Read for enjoyment
When I decide what habit I want to create, I find that writing it down and tracking my progress makes all the difference. Once you decide what habit you want to create, find a place to track the habit.
I created a habit tracker. (Here is the updated version for 2019.)Download and print. Check off each day you complete your task. Place in a prominent place so you can see your daily progress.
Here is the updated version for 2019
If you want to read more about how I feel about Goal Setting and Habit Creating, check out these posts:
- Say No to New Years Resolutions
- How to set Goals using Short Challenges and Mini Goals
- How Short Challenges and Mini Goals Work for Me
- One Simple Task to Help You Follow Through on Your Goals
What daily habit do you want in 2018?
If you would rather focus on a different mini goal or habit each month, join the 12 Mini Goals Challenge. (Updated challenge for 2018)
Stop by to see where I link up each week: Link-Ups
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Esther says
I love this concept of setting habits instead of resolutions. I took a look at some of your other posts and noticed your post on Make Over Your Mornings as well — I took that course a while ago and it truly changed my days in so many ways! I also love your other posts on goal setting.
So happy I discovered your blog! :)
Emily says
I am happy you stopped by, Esther! Yes, I enjoyed the Make Over Your Mornings course also. It had a great focus on creating better mornings and even went into the entire day.
Michelle says
I love this! I don’t set goals either. Habits I do. You offered some great ideas to get started. Happy New Year!
Emily says
Happy New Year to you also, Michelle! Thanks for stopping by. :)
Amanda @ The Fundamental Home says
My mind is FILLED with all the habits I want to develop in the new year. Getting them written down and tracking them is key to making it happen. Thanks for creating this tracker!
Erin says
Thanks for the habit tracker! I love checking things off. I personally need to start the habit of waking up before my kids, completing a morning routine and then working on a cleaning routine too. One thing at a time I know! Happy new year!
Jed says
I’ll be setting daily habit goals this year as well. Writing and connecting with other bloggers is definitely on my list. As is intentionally connecting with my family. Wishing you a very happy New Year!
Emily says
It sounds like you have great goals, Jed! Thanks for stopping by.
Kristy as Giftie Etcetera says
Journaling, tracking calories (with or without lowering the number), and daily yoga or exercise.
Akaleistar says
Love this! I want to write and exercise more :)
Julie S. says
Tracking a new habit is a brilliant idea, because it helps visualize the progress.
Heather @ Simply Save says
I want to work at getting up earlier more regularly so I have time in the morning to go through emails and blogs. Thanks for sharing on the Small Victories Sunday Linkup!
Mother of 3 says
My goal is always to exercise for at least 20 minutes each day… somehow it only happens about half the time!
Emily says
Half the time is way better than nothing!
Karen Del Tatto says
I remember reading somewhere that it takes 30 days to turn a habit into a natural occurrence, but it takes just a few days to break that habit.
I like the idea of using a habit tracker. It’s good for accountability.
Thanks for sharing!
Karren Haller says
Hum a Habit Tracker sounds like something I could use, I love checking things off a list, a feeling of accomplishment. Thank you for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesdays
Valerie says
I prefer setting habits instead of making resolutions. My daily habit that I will be adopting in 2016 is to spend more quality time with God and God’s word so I can be more closer with Him
Emily says
That is a wonderful daily habit to focus on!
JES says
What a neat idea Emily! I like this concept! Thank you for sharing this encouragement on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)
Dawn says
You’re so right. Small daily habits make a huge difference over time. I want to exercise more this year. These charts are great! I’m a chart person, so I think I could definitely use these.
Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth! (I’m a new host there)
Emily says
I hope you found the charts helpful, Dawn! I know that tracking my habits on paper is key.
I didn’t know you were one of the co-hosts at Grace and Truth. I hope it’s an exciting venture for you. :)