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You don’t have to spend much time reading my blog to realize that I am passionate about enjoying my mornings. I have always thought that mornings are the greatest time of day, but struggled to make a habit out of waking up early enough to actually enjoy them. Read more here: My Morning Motivation
Earlier this year, I started to get out of the habit of getting up early. I was missing the early quiet time and took Crystal’s Make Over Your Mornings 14-day online course to help jump-start my mornings again. It’s the perfect tool to guide you in making the most of your mornings…and your entire day.
I am bringing it up the course again for 2 reasons:
- You can now have free access to day one of the Make Over Your Mornings course. It’s the perfect opportunity to give the course a test to see whether or not it’s for you.
- The course is on sale for $9 from December 26 through January 8.
Before you say: Enough with all this Get Up Early Junk!!, I want to add that getting up early is not what it’s all about. The goal of the course is not to make you get up early or feel any guilt if you are not an early riser. The course helped me take a look at my entire day, my evening routine, my goals, my priorities and more.
Getting up early is not for everyone! I had a few years of rolling out of bed when my daughter woke up. Not one second earlier. Before kiddos only two things got me out of bed bright and early: Travel & Running. I have no shame in that. It worked for me. I don’t think that everyone needs to treat their mornings (or their entire day) the same.
I just have always had the desire to be more of an early riser (since high school), so I knew that I would love being up early. It was the right move for me (read more about the journey here).
If you want to try out day one of the course for free or get it during the $9 sale, sign up here.
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
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