When I started getting up earlier than my girls, I noticed an immense change in my morning. It’s like I have been given an extra hour. It’s a Bonus Hour. More than just adding additional productive or relaxing time to my day, it makes the first hour with my girls all the more pleasant.
Having a morning routine helps to start my day off right. I am refreshed and excited for the day. I don’t always have the same goal for this early morning time. Some days the goal is productivity and other days the goal is refreshment. My mornings tend to be a combination of the habits below.
If you want to add morning habits to start your day off right, here are 7 habits to add to your morning routine.
Something Essential…
This is the essential piece: wake up before the kiddos. I am much more ready for the day when I have had some morning time alone. A slow, peaceful and productive morning is much more enjoyable than a rushed and stressful morning. I love the chance to linger over my morning mug of coffee. This is what I’m drinking most mornings.
When my day doesn’t start off as planned, even a few minutes helps my day start off on the right foot.
Something Encouraging…
Spending time in God’s Word helps to set my heart in the right place. It helps my mind and heart to set the right priorities for our day and for our life. It gives me the perspective on what matters in my life as a wife and mom. It encourages me.
- Daily Walk with God: Meditations for Every Day
- The One Year At His Feet Devotional
- Write the Word journals
Something Productive…
When I get up in the morning, I usually have my top three tasks for the morning already written down. The evening before I write down my first three tasks of the day, so I can just get started without having to think about it. This helps me be focused during the hour or so that I have to myself. {Check out my planner review to find the best planner for you!}
Related Post: My Simple Productivity Tip to Help You Stay Focused
When I have started the day checking a few items of my list, I have a head start on any tasks I must accomplish. Consider doing a quick cleaning project or two to start your day!
Getting a head start on any tasks I must accomplish is key when trying to get at least some blog work done each day. This also results in a more relaxed, less task-oriented day.
Something Active…
Sometimes it may be a quick stretch, occasionally it’s a morning run. I do not start my day with physical activity every morning. When I do start my day with a run, I feel incredibly ready for the day. It’s the greatest feeling to have a run and shower in before I have to get breakfast ready for the girls! Consider a quick walk around the block. Here are Over 30 Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Daily Routine.
Here is a list of free online fitness resources.
If you want a cheaper and less intensive place to track your goals and progress, track your fitness progress with free fitness tracker printable or the full Health & Wellness Printable Planner.
If you want a physical fitness planner, grab the Commit30 Fitness Planner.
Something Healthy…
I think that we all know the benefits of breakfast and why we shouldn’t skip it. I leave room for plenty of splurges in my diet, but breakfast is the one meal that I try to always keep healthy. I feel so much better when starting my day off right. My breakfasts of choice: oatmeal, green smoothie, yogurt & granola or eggs.
Thrive market is a great place to get healthy breakfast staples. Get 40% off your first Thrive Market order + a free gift!
Start your day with coffee if that is your preference. Remember to drink plenty of water.
If you want guidance on your health, check out the following ecourses:
- 5 Day Detox: Clean Eating 101
- 21 Day Whole Food Challenge
- Lose Weight, Gain Energy {Select View All Plans to see them all}
Something Refreshing…
Reading, writing, and relaxing with a cup of coffee is a refreshing way to start the morning.
Whether you have a strict morning routine or a flexible non-routine, include a few minutes of an incentive to help you get up and start your day. What refreshes you? What can be done in 5 minutes? Find out and give yourself the gift of a few minutes starting your day off right! If your morning has been derailed and not one item is checked off your to-do list, move on. But do try and give yourself a few minutes.
Something to Ignore…
Social media is the perfect way to lose focus on what you want to accomplish right away in the morning. It is easy to attempt to just check one thing and then realize you have wasted more time than you intended. If you have a list of priorities for the morning, commit to not checking social media (or possibly your e-mail also) for the first hour or so of your day.
I hope you found the 7 habits to add to your morning routine helpful. What will you add to your morning?
Are you looking for a place to track your MORNING habits?
I have a few options for you!
Monthly Habit Tracker: This post includes a free monthly habit tracker PDF.
Bundle of 20+ Habit Tracker PDFs: Because I realize not everyone tracks their habits in the same way, I just created a Habit Tracker Printable Bundle. It contains over 20 pages so you can find the tracker that works for you. Some trackers have a weekly focus and some have a monthly focus. Some include both. There is also be a habit tracker specific for tracking sleep. Work through and try more than one printable until you find the one that works best for you. Get the NEW Habit Tracker Bundle here!
Habit Tracker Spreadsheet: I am excited to share my Habit Tracker Spreadsheet with you. One of the reasons I’m so excited about the spreadsheet is that you get to see the word “Success” pop up if you complete your habit your goal number of days.
There is a column where you write in your success criteria (because not all habits will have the goal of 7 days per week). Once you input the right number of “X”s during the week, a green “Success” will magically pop up! (OK…it’s just a little formula I wrote.)
I included directions in the spreadsheet, but I would love to know if you think something is confusing.
[thrive_leads id=’11190′]
When I am more intentional about how I start my day, I am better prepared and ready for whatever joy or struggles the day will hurl at me.
Do you want to know how to create your morning routine? Head over to read the steps and get the printable worksheets to help you plan your morning!
Do you have a morning routine?
What morning rituals help you start your day off right?
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Janet Benson says
You are a woman after my own heart – a woman with a plan and a woman who makes lists! Enjoyed your post this morning. Visiting as your neighbor at #RaRaLinkup. Wonderful suggestions!
Asheritah says
Hi Emily! I found your blog through #raralinkup and I love your emphasis on making over our mornings to maximize our day. It kind of reminds me of Hello Mornings. Have you heard of them? I, too, try to wake up before my daughter and spend some time in worship and then writing, but social media can be such a snag! Like this morning… here I am visiting the linkup instead of writing. lol Off I go! But I wanted to leave a comment to encourage you to keep up the great work!
Emily says
Yes, I have heard of Hello Mornings. I have looked into it a bit, but haven’t actually joined the community and gone through a session. I have considered it though. Thanks for stopping by!
Kim says
Love these Habits and how you approached this… as of late my mornings have been starting off late. This is such a helpful way to look at making my morning routine work. And I totally need to listen to the “Something to Ignore.” It’s 8:38am and I just happen to need to leave today in about 15 minutes and I am not ready to go… but my daughter is, so that’s good. LOL.
Emily says
Hmmm…online instead of getting ready. I am guilty of that some days. I am not always great at Something to Ignore! I try though!
The Busy Brunette says
One of the things I love doing when I have any alone time in the AM is to have a cup of coffee in peace and quiet and read some blogs. I don’t always get to do that once my son is up, so I look forward to my quiet time! :-)
Katie M. Reid says
I just started getting up earlier again and it is making such a difference. Thank you for this post. Cheering you on from the #RaRaLinkup
Rachel says
Love these! Such good wisdom in every aspect. Can’t wait to share :)
Emily says
Thanks for sharing Rachel!
Michelle says
Mine is breakfast too! A must. Then devotional time which I just started making a priority again (post coming out soon on this) and exercise during the summer, getting ready for work the rest of the time.
Emily says
Thanks for sharing about your morning, Michelle!
Getting out to exercise in the morning is so much easier in the summer!
Michelle says
I remembered reading this and I’m glad you posted it on my linkup today. Many will find it helpful in establishing routines that jump start our day. Thanks for sharing this oldie but goodie.
Ruthie Gray says
Thanks for the feature, Emily! :)
Emily says
You are welcome!
Emily says
Yes, coffee is important! :) I like to start my day off with activity too. Only for me it is a brisk walk with my son in his stroller. He is now one, so I’m finally getting a full night’s sleep again (Yay!) and I am thinking about starting to get up earlier than he does. I like this list and will definitely refer to it as I create a detailed routine!
Emily says
A morning walk with the stroller is a great way to start the day! Thanks for stopping by.
Amanda says
I absolutely love this… I needed a new way to look at my day, thank you.
Judith says
This is incredible!! We are on the same page for our posts. I have been getting up earlier than my kiddos since forever.
Emily says
Ha. Yes, I noticed that our posts were similar. ;)
Joanne Viola says
I enjoyed this post because it is something I started doing years ago in order to survive motherhood. Now I do it to make the most of my day. I love my early mornings!
Teressa says
yes. I love the something to ignore! Thank you for sharing!
Somer says
I really liked all over your ideas. I am a mom of three and in a month four and I have found that it is so necessary to be alone in the morning . So necessary for me. If i don’t I will easily seem defeated as the day begins. And I will be running behind the whole day.
It is the best time like you said for quiet and solace. Especially if you have older kids that stay up late and you never do get that reset button. I also agree about the social media thing. I have felt the same way that it is to be avoided in the AM. Thanks for the ideas :)
Emily says
My kiddos aren’t old enough to stay up late. I can imagine that I will love morning quiet time even more once they are older!
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
Good morning!
I can say that because, like you encouraged, I rise early and enjoy some coffee and quiet time before the rest of the house stirs. These are ALL great habits that you point out! I usually do something active – like walk or go to gym – but I’ve been sidelined due to an injury. Boy, do I see what a difference it makes in my day! Looking forward to getting back into my usual routine so that I am a more pleasant and Christ-like person to be around! So glad I stopped by…
Jelli says
I really enjoyed these tips. I’ve read plenty of articles about making the most of your morning, but I think you’ve summed up most (and added more tips!) than all I’ve ever read. Loved it. My only qualm with this is that my kids wake up before the chickens so me waking up an hour earlier would put me at 4:30, which just isn’t doable. Nevertheless, taking your advice and sharing. Thank you.
Emily says
I am thankful that my girls aren’t early risers most days. Otherwise I’m not sure how I would adjust this! 4:30 would be way too early.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing!
Lydia @ Thrifty Frugal Mom says
I used to do so good at this, but something about the combination of having a 3rd child and the children starting to get up way earlier than they used to, kind of threw me off kilter and I’ve totally fallen off the bandwagon! Reading this made me realize I should try again to make some of these morning habits a priority though. I know I loved it back when it worked well for me!
Emily says
Getting up earlier than the kiddos isn’t always doable. Good luck getting back into it!
Tianna says
great tips! I don’t have kids, but these are still helpful in my opinion!
Leslie DeJarnette says
I love your ideas! Not sure I could get all seven done in one hour. Ignoring social media the first hour certainly helps, though. Thanks!
Emily says
My days vary. I don’t always get them all in. For example: if I go on a run in the morning, many of the other habits are pushed off.
Karen Del Tatto says
This post was like a breath of fresh air! I found it so encouraging and helpful!
When we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago, I was actually up with the sun every morning (fishing was the incentive!). I remember thinking how wonderful it was to have gained all these extra hours just by being up so early.
Years ago, I used to get up early to do my Bible time. It really does set the day on a positive track.
Now with a busy house, many nights where it doesn’t quiet down until almost 11 p.m., I am up later and it is harder to get up earlier. But…
I found the following words you shared inspiring:
“include a few minutes of an incentive to help you get up and start your day. What refreshes you? What can be done in 5 minutes? Find out and give yourself the gift of a few minutes starting your day off right!”
Thanks so much for sharing!
Emily says
Thank you! I am happy you stopped by. I hope you find your short morning incentive to help start your day off right!
Angela Howard says
I found your blog through the link up with Holley Gerth. I love your ideas! I relish my alone time in the morning. I’ve also been accustomed to having some alone time with my husband in the evening but this hasn’t been easy with the summertime routine and teenagers. Looking at the comments I see that everyone has their challenges at different seasons of life. I appreciate your focus on being intentional and I think the key is making the routine a habit and adjusting when needed! Love the look of your blog :)
Emily says
Yes the challenges seem to change depending on the season of life. So true! Thanks for stopping by.
Leesha @ Living Contently says
Great suggestions! I’ve been trying to hone in my morning routine a bit, as we’re expecting our first child in September. It’s amazing how much your morning routine affects the rest of the your day!
Emily says
Give yourself plenty of wiggle room when baby comes. Sleep is essential (and hard to get) with a newborn!
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Yes! I get up about 1 hour before my girls and in that time I can do my Bible study and prayers, start the day’s load of laundry, eat, do a small movement exercise, reply to emails, and have my coffee!
I love it and my day is so much better when I tackle these things on my own.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).
Wishing you a lovely day.
Jenny says
I love my quiet time in the mornings before all the kids are up. It definitely gives me time to get myself together for the day. Great list. :)
Beth Willis miller says
Great post, wonderful reminders! Routine is the operative word for me…many blessings to you ❤️
Kristen says
I couldn’t agree with you more! I always wake up before my kids and say a prayer of thanks. It’s so important for that quiet “me” time! I’m so glad I found your blog, pinned and stumbled!
Emily says
Thank you so much for sharing!! I appreciate it.
Gentle Joy says
Great ideas… I do most of these each day also and it is a big help. :)
Heather Hart says
Starting my day off with quiet time always helps me get started right!
Courtney @ Mommy & Her Men says
Thank you so much for this! I’ve actually been praying over being more intentional in the morning. Thank you for wording it in such a way that is attainable and concrete. One of my definite take-aways (starting tomorrow morning!) is to avoid social media for the first hour. I keep saying that I want God’s Word to be the first thing I see, yet I still find myself checking email or scrolling through Facebook before I even get out of bed. I’m excited to see how these small changes will impact my relationships with my family. Thanks again!
Follow Mommy & Her Men on BlogLovin’
Emily says
It’s not always easy to avoid social media right away. It’s an impulse to quick check e-mail first. But yes, it’s much better to see God’s Word first.
KLW Rose says
This is so true. It took me awhile to realise that my morning routine sets the tone for my day. It takes me awhile to actually wake up, so the only thing I’m really good for in the morning is a walk with my dog. I love going out before hardly anyone is up and moving and starting my day on the right foot. Even when the weather is miserable and wet, I still love the morning walks.
Emily says
Morning walks are the perfect start to the day! That is great that you figured out the activity that would help you start your day off right.
terri presser says
I just love the way you encourage us to have a good morning routine. I must admit I am struggling at the moment, maybe it’s our winter weather?? But everytime I read your posts I am encouraged to get going again.
Thank you for sharing your great parts with us at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
Emily says
It’s much easier to get up and enjoy the mornings in the summer!
Maria says
This is perfect! My morning routine starts off differently everyday, but my goal remains the same–to stay focused, productive for the rest of the day. I’m an early riser too, so I take that time to work on relaxing or productivity. It took me a while to realize that morning routine sets the tone for my day, but when I did, it made such a difference! Thank you for sharing this, Emily! I’m so glad I’m not the only one that values that magic hour in the morning :)
Callie says
I so wish I could get up before my kids – but my daughter is such a morning person! She is up by 6:00 every morning, and when I attempt to get up before that she hears me and just wakes up earlier. Then we are all cranky for the rest of the day. Ah! But I do like your rule of not touching social media for the first hour – I would like to do better at that.
Honeybee says
My morning routine is kinda boring. Quick breakfast for the kids and prepared them to school. After the bus picked them up for school I continue my sleep. Haha So unproductive ikr. Thinking about tweaking my morning routine. Thanks for the head start. Visiting from Sharefest.
Sarah Ann says
This is WONDERFUL! I love the way you categorized it and even had a category for something to ignore. I’ll be implementing many of these into my morning routine! Love it! Thank you for sharing with the Sat. Soiree & Social Media Share! You’re featured this week!
Emily says
I’m happy you found it helpful! Thanks so much for the feature!
Stasia says
I LOVE this list. I am all about my mornings. We just had a baby so we are in flux a little, but I am starting to get my morning time back!
Emily says
Oh yes…any morning routine tends to go out the window with a new baby. Sleep is way more important!!
Theresa says
I like the idea of this, and have done it , but at this time in my life with teenagers who stay up til 10, and. Little ones who get up early and still wake me up in the night occassionally, it just isn’t happening for me right now, I need as much sleep as I can get. I will admit I don’t get much time for myself I’m trying to figure it out.
Emily says
Yes, you need sleep more than anything. It would be hard to create an early morning habit with kids that are both up late and up early. It’s not for everyone or for every phase of life! Good luck trying to figure out how to get some time for yourself.
It’s working for me now…but it may not always be the case. :)
Rebecca says
So clever! I love the categories instead of tasks. I do my Bible reading and study at night, and meditate and pray through the portion and my day on a morning prayer walk. I find my focus is much clearer when I’m walking…my mind tends to wander if I’m just sitting.
Emily says
It’s so easy for the mind to wander some days. That is great that you have figured out that you focus better while walking!
Stephanie says
I love this! I am a much better Mommy when I don’t have to be Mommy the second I wake. Unfortunately, I have an early riser (5 yo at 6a) so I guess this non-morning Mommy needs to start at 5a!
Next week, 5am here I come!
Emily says
I am thankful that I don’t have to be up at 5 AM to have some alone time! That is early. Good luck. ;)
Melanie Redd says
Hey Emily,
What a great post! I almost made a 7 out of 7, but I’ve got to add that work out back in!
Love the way you laid it out so simply and so wisely.
I found your post on 100 Happy Days today.
Hope you have a blessed day~
Emily says
6 out of 7 is great. :) Thanks for stopping by Melanie!
Tianna says
awesome tips! I always stretch in the morning!
Alison [Life of Scoop] says
Awesome list! My morning is SO much better when I choose to start it with intention & focus, rather than randomly waking up, checking social media, and forgetting to spend time with the Lord. Sometimes my morning routine is only 15 minutes, but I treasure the days when it gets to be longer.
Thanks for sharing these tips with us at the 100 Happy Days linkup!
Emily says
Agree! My mornings are so much more enjoyable than they were a year ago. It’s a time I cherish! I am happy to know that you enjoy your mornings also. Even just 15 minutes is much better than nothing. :)
Thanks for stopping by, Alison!
Karen says
Love how you put together your morning routine. I recently wrote about mine too. http://innersavvy.com/2015/12/10/the-way-i-start-my-day-morning-rituals/ I love that you say ignore social media. I tried for a while, but then I am distracted wondering if there is something I really should take care of. So now I try to do those few things I want to first. Give myself a set time on social media and the work. It works for me.
Emily says
Setting a timer for social media is a great idea. That would be helpful to keep the time-wasting down!
Erin says
Waking up before my 2 babies really does make a difference in my day, and so does ignoring email, TV and social media for the first 1-2 hours of the day! I have been struggling with the actual waking up part though (baby and toddler both don’t always sleep all night) but I’m going to keep trying!
Emily says
Isn’t it so enjoyable when you are up before the kiddos? I’m glad you get to experience it some days.
It is so hard to do (if not impossible!) when children aren’t sleeping through the night. Those nights I figure I’ll be better off catching up on my sleep instead of getting the morning time. I miss it those mornings though!
Betsy de Cruz says
Oh, this is great encouragement for me! I’m a morning person, but easily let time fritter away. I like the idea to make a list of your 3 priorities the night before and to avoid social media. So important to start with first things first! Pinning this now!
Emily says
Listing my priorities for the morning helps so much! Avoiding social media…only is helpful when I actually am able to do it. ;)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
Kim says
Thanks, love the idea of making the list of top 3 priorities. I will add that to mine!
I’ll share omething I learned from a friend that has been a lifesaver for me. The night before I write down the next day’s date, a scripture verse, what’s on the kids agenda for the day including the time of day, and a chore for each child. This is written on a dry erase board and placed where all can see. It begins the kids day with a piece of Gods Word, eliminates the “you didn’t tell me we had that today”, and I no longer EVER have to repeated the kids of chores. The agreement is that whatever is not completed, the next day chores are added and all media devices handed in until they are complete (we have teens). If that happens, they never argue because they know the guidelines! It has been a blessing to this mama’s heart!
Emily says
Thank you for sharing! That sounds like a great routine! Starting your day with a scripture verse is a wonderful idea.
That is great that writing down the chore cuts down on constantly reminding them to do their chores. I may have to keep the chore tip in mind!
Vivianna says
I love this! I definitely need to makeover my morning routine!
Andrea says
Love this! Can I ask a buggy question? What is the font that you used for the “7 Habits to Add to your Morning Routine” title??
Emily says
Do you mean on the first graphic on this post? It’s Euphoria Script.
Thanks for stopping by!
Kimi says
Great, great, great advice…love it! And I have to totally agree regarding social media in the morning, gets me off track every time. Thank goodness each day is another opportunity to begin again, right? :)
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
I can’t wait until both of my boys have a reliable sleep schedule so I can start waking up before them. My youngest is just 3 weeks old, so waking up before him would leave me even more exhausted than I already am!
Jane Allen says
Clearly, this is my favorite part of the post:
“When I am more intentional about how I start my day, I am better prepared and ready for whatever joy or struggles the day will hurl at me.”
I never used to have a morning routine. But, it’s something I’m getting into now and my days go better, as a result. I found some of your tips useful, especially the one on spending time in God’s presence. I find I’m better prepared to face the day, when I do this. Thanks for sharing!
Emily says
You are welcome! I am happy you found this helpful. :)
Leslie says
So many wonderful reminders here. Ever since the baby was born, it’s been hard for me to wake up early in the morning. I look forward to being able to do that again. It really did make my days feel like they got off to a better start.
Cheri says
I love the way the word ‘something’ puts it into perspective. Mornings won’t always be our ideal fantasy. It’s a process – just do something. Great post!
Patty says
This is absolutely wonderful! I am trying to implement the waking up earlier. It has been so helpful and has allowed me to accomplish more in a day for sure. I think having a peaceful start to the day is key!
God bless,