My Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here?
- Setting goals helps me remain focused.
- Sharing my goals helps to hold me accountable.
- I hope that it may inspire you to set goals for yourself? Give it a try! Start small if it seems overwhelming or like too much work. Or maybe it seems pointless to you? Give it a shot. (Even my husband has jumped on the goal setting bandwagon!)
Are you new to goal setting? Here are a few posts that may help or inspire you:
- How to Set Goals using Short Challenges and Mini Goals
- How Short Challenges and Mini Goals Work for Me
- One Simple Task to Help You Follow Through On Your Goals
Record kiddo bedtime – Goal: 8:00
February: Partial success. She was in bed by 8:00 at least 50% of February. Most other nights were between 8:10-8:15. We were dealing with meltdowns from our 3-year old. After being more intentional (writing it down is key for me!) about getting her to bed early, the behavior has improved. More sleep = happy girl = happy momma. :)
March: Goal time is 8:00. {For 3-year-old only.}
Record my wake-up and bedtimes
February: Recording the times? Success. The actual bedtimes? FAIL. Somehow my bedtime inched back to my usual of mid-night. This makes getting up at 6 AM much harder! The goal is to move my wake-up time to 5:30 AM at some point, but that cannot happen if I continue to go to bed too late.
March: Wake-Up goal is 6 AM. Bedtime goal is 11:30 PM with twice per week at 11:15 PM.
Computer Shut-Down
February: Not bad. I averaged 10:30. I did have a few nights that were much later, which makes falling asleep difficult.
March: Computer needs to be off at 10:45. I am going to try to do this EVERY night.
Make Top 3 Morning Tasks list each evening
February: Pass. Every night but one! I’m much more efficient with my time if I wake up knowing what I want to get done before the girls get up. If you want to join me on this one, feel free to use My Daily Planner 2015 to write down your list.
March: Continue writing down Top 3 Morning Tasks list each evening.
God’s Word
February: Read one chapter per day in: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. Done.
March: I am going to get back into reading from my NIV Mom’s Devotional Bible*. I last left off in Proverbs. I enjoy the short mom-specific devotionals and typically have a take-away that stays with me.
February: 50% complete. I finished The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You* (read my review here). I did not complete another book, but I am halfway through this gripping book:
March: Complete All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel
* and one more book.
Screen Time
February: I recorded how many one-hour windows I could go without checking my phone or computer. Most days I was satisfied with how I did, being media-free a few hours throughout the day.
March: Continue recording how many hour windows I can go without checking my phone or computer.
February: Cardio – 3 days per week at minimum: complete! Burpees: I missed days earlier in the month and had to do major catch-up this last week. I was determined to complete this goal. It’s a perfect example for why I take the time to set goals and record my progress. Otherwise I wouldn’t have made myself do so many the last few days of February.
March: Cardio (running or elliptical) – 3 days per week at minimum. Burpees – On non-cardio days, do 40 burpees. (Read here how burpees helped me get back into a fitness routine.)
Drink 64 ounces of water
Februrary: No problem. I just needed to be aware that I wasn’t drinking enough water and record water intake for about a week or so and I was back on track.
March: No goal…I’m back to my usual water chugging self. :)
One-on-one outing/time with each girl
February: Complete!
March: Once during the month of March.
Weekly “Date” night with hubby
February: We even had a real dinner and a movie date! We went to the movie Unbroken. We also rented The Good Lie*. I definitely recommend it. We played cribbage a few nights and I am finally getting out of my losing streak.
March: Weekly movie night or game night.
Enjoy more outdoor time
February: FAIL. I wanted to get the girls outside to play once per week, but it was too cold for a one and three year old. I did take them swimming and that should count double?
March: Try again. I want to make sure the girls get out to play once a week in March. Spring is around the corner, right?
Pack up and drop off at least 2 bags of clothing and such at Goodwill
Decluttering and simplifying stuff is such a process for me. I often try to sell on ebay or other sites, but sometimes I just need to pack it up in a bag and get it out of the house. Otherwise I just end up shuffling the same items around. It’s time consuming (I could write multiple posts on this…). I just need to be realistic about some of the items I know I will not be able to sell and just get rid of them.
Be more intentional about my prayer life
I am not setting a specific day-to-day goal around this. I do not want to make my prayer life something to check off my blog goal list…as that would mean my intentions were a tad off (stating the obvious?). I am fine cramming in burpees at the end of the month so I don’t have to report back that I failed that goal. My prayer life? I won’t be cramming that in for a monthly goal report. I just want to get back into praying more often.
Plan and throw a bridal shower
Yeah to a wonderful soon-to-be sister-in-law and upcoming wedding in May!!
No baking desserts all month
My husband told me this was a bad goal. If I have had a long day, I have been known to make a quick batch of brownies or cookies so we can have dessert that night. My husband and I have polished off a 9X13 pan of brownies in 24 hours. No problem. I thought it might be good for our health to try and NOT do that all month? I hesitated as his birthday is in March and then I cannot make his favorite peanut butter blossom cookies with dark chocolate. He confirmed that it was a goal I shouldn’t set. So I guess I am free to load us up on sugar in March. ;)
Onto the blogging goals…
Blog Goals from February:
- Getting better at planning ahead and scheduling out posts. Towards the end of February I was getting much better at this. Continue in March.
- Focus on content. Improving…Continue in March.
- Improve categorization and improve site navigation. Someday…
New Blog March Goals:
- Write first guest post for early April.
- Backup WordPress.
- Add more Pinnable images to old posts.
- Consider planning a series.
Now to update my goal tracking spreadsheet.
Do you make monthly goals? Feel free to link to your March goals in a comment. I enjoy reading goal lists. I find encouragement hearing what others are desiring to focus on.
You will receive free updates, morning motivation, printables, blog post highlights, and occasional deals sent your way. Frequency?? Just a few times per month.
Kali says
I enjoyed reading your list. It is encouraging to see how other people set goals, and hear about how they met them. This year I set yearly goals, but I broke them down into monthly goals. I think that will help me accomplish them.
Tarissa @ Introverted Mama says
I loved reading about your goals and it DOES inspire me to be more specific with my own. I’m excited to read your review of The Fringe Hours. It’s on my March to-read list. I just have to note: I LOVE cribbage. It’s one of my favorite card games and SO few people know how to play it. I keep trying to teach my husband, but he’s just not very interested. Thankfully, I can usually talk my mom into playing. :)
admin says
Yes, it’s a fun game. Bummer that your husband doesn’t want to learn it, but I can see why initially it may not appeal. But it sure grows on you!
Keri says
Great goals- I need to do better about already having a plan in mind the night before! That is smart! Cant believe it is almost March! Have a great weekend!
admin says
Having a plan the night before is sooo helpful! I hope you have a great weekend also!
Michelle says
Wow, impressed . . . goals, well right now, I’m trying to put down this computer and not think about social media for say, one hour!! Great inspiration for us all! Glad I stopped by.
admin says
Thanks for reading!
Crystal Green says
This is a great list of goals for March. May you actually achieve reaching them. Goals are always a great thing to set each month.
admin says
Thank you for reading!
Jen says
I started working on my March goals this morning when I wrote my morning pages. I’ll look at them again in the morning, and they should be ready to go.
Angie Benjamin @ Bloom by Grace says
Wow , you’re doing great so far. I started setting goals and recording them in my blog too, but February wasn’t a very good month …hopefully this month I can take up where I left them! Have a great week! ;)
admin says
Give yourself some wiggle room…:)
Chantel says
I love how you have your goals so nicely organized and work of them each month! I made some goals for myself this month:
admin says
I will check them out. Thanks for sharing!
Nicki @ T-shirt & Jeans says
I could relate so much to every goal. You’ve inspired me to do better in each category. I think it’s awesome that you record your progress, and have such a list of worthy pursuits. Thanks for sharing!
admin says
If I didn’t record my progress, I think I would end up neglecting some of the goals. Writing it down helps to keep me on track! Thanks for reading.
Tyra says
Whoo Hoo! Kudos on your progress. When we seek Him 1st, He will ensure everything else is aligned according to His will. Happy to be your neighbor at Mom 2 Mom Monday Link-up.
admin says
Yes! We need to seek HIM first.
Sarah says
They are some great goals! I try to keep myself limited to no more than 4 personal goals and no more than 4 blog goals each month. With two kids (3 and under) and a crazy schedule, there’s just no way to fit in more than that. I’m also trying to work on my bedtime, although my goal involves staying up later. I usually crash at about 8pm or so after the kids have gone to bed. Lights on and all.
admin says
Yes, with young children it’s important to align the goals with what is realistic with little kiddos. Way to realize that and limit the number of goals you want to set!
elizabeth says
Love this! Good job. That bedtime thing is so hard!
admin says
Yes bedtime is hard!! I should be heading there now…
Ruthie Gray says
I love goals! My main goal last year was to read the Bible through. I finished in December! I also like smaller goals such as what you are doing! One of my smaller goals is to only check fb once per day. Thaaaattttsss not going well. I made a smaller goal to check in the morning and then at 4:00. It’s going better! But I think I’ll take your idea and narrow my goal for this each month. Great thoughts! Saw you on Motivational Monday Link-up. :)
admin says
Nice job reading through the Bible!
Only checking facebook once per day…if you can just check morning and 4, you might as well stick with that goal! It still sounds good. :)
Regina @ Vintage 1973 says
You have a lot of goals! Go ‘head gurl!
I so appreciate that you track your progress. Makes so much sense. You’ll know where you’re going and what you need to accomplish based upon what you’ve seen yourself accomplish.
Thank you for sharing.
admin says
Thanks for reading!
Deborah says
Nice list. Quite long, but I guess there are a lot of days in March ;-).
Great job on getting back on track for your water goal. I struggle with drinking water in the winter. Watching the snow storm out my window as I type this…and thinking of coffee–not water :-( .
Backing up WordPress is something I want to do every month, but I find it DAUNTING. You’ll have to let us know how that goes.
admin says
In the winter, I long for more coffee instead of water also. :) I may switch it up for some hot tea.
Elizabeth says
I love your goals! I love your priorities! I am so glad we’ve crossed paths~
admin says
Thank you!! I’m glad we have crossed paths also.
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says
I love your goals for weekly dates with your hubby and dates with your girls. We don’t get regular dates but anytime in-laws are visiting or we visit them, we are out the door for a date :) Good luck with your goals, I need to do better turning off my computer no later than 10 so I can get quality reading time in before bed. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup and hope you join us again this weekend! Pinning to our linkup board.
admin says
It’s important to have the date nights! Even if it’s just a quick game of cribbage.
Shutting off the computer is a hard one for me….I should be doing that right now. ;)
AdoringFamily says
So inspiring :) I love reading goals and it is great to see you following through! Blessings :)
admin says
Thanks for reading!
Cathy says
Wow great job! I have to write things down too. It’s the best way for me to remember to get things done. Hope you enjoy March and all it holds for you. : )
I’m visiting from the ‘Wise Women’ link-up.
admin says
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy March also.
Helene says
I have several goals I need to get back to right away, including my Bible listening! Thanks for the reminder!
Nicole says
I don’t think I could go to bed at 11:30 PM and get up at 6:00 AM every day. I’d get too sleepy! I get up at 5:00 AM, but we go to bed by 9:30 PM!
admin says
9:30…that would take major dedication on my part! Well, it would be impossible. :) Nice work.
Maria says
I love these goals, and it’s making me want to write some of my own as well. The computer shut down that you have is also a goal I struggle with. It’s hard to just turn off everything, and when I do, I often have sleepless nights as well. Your March goals look solid and very inspiring as well. Thanks for sharing :)
admin says
The computer shut down goal doesn’t come easy for me. Not at all! Thanks for reading.
Shelly says
Great list! I love that you logged your non device time…eek…that actually scares me to see the actual amount of time! I might have to try it
admin says
Give it a shot!
Terri Presser says
Great post and I agree that writing goals down and sharing them helps to keep us accountable. I guess I am just very careful what I share :-). Thanks for linking this up at Good Morning Mondays, you are such an encouragement to me. Blessings
admin says
Erin M. says
LOVE your list and how intentional you are, even about rest! And I’m really inspired by your blog goals – thinking about my own now!
admin says
Rest is on my goal list…it doesn’t mean that I am always disciplined enough to get it though! I’m finding blog goals are helpful. Although I hold those loosely, as I don’t have the time to complete them all. My daughters are my priority. :)
Jess says
Great list! Breaking it down into smaller goals within one goal sure helps. I’m working on my prayer life right now too. I broke it down into smaller chunks and that sure helps! I need to cut back on media and drink more water too – great reminder! Thanks for linking up with us for Tuesday Talk! -Jess
Lauren says
Wow you have a great way of breaking down your list! I have started making monthly goals.. but I havent made any for march yet so I am already behind! ha!
admin says
There is still plenty of time in March! Thanks for reading.
Jenny says
I love reading other’s goals. I HAVE to, have to drink more water! Thanks for the reminder.
Tammy says
I really enjoyed your list of goals. I’m a huge list maker and goal setter and I love how you are getting your children in bed at a certain times. I truly believe children love schedules and structure.
admin says
I am TRYING to get my kiddos in bed at a certain time. I’m more disciplined with their bedtimes than my own though! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Tiffany | A Touch of Grace says
I’m a goals girl as well and these are all great! You have a lot of goals for yourself lady! And I love that you review your previous month’s goals and track yourself to them. It’s all about being intentional.
admin says
If I didn’t track them, it would be easy for me to forget them! Thanks for reading.
Sue Jackson says
Great goals! And you’re making progress – nice!
I have a goal to put my computer away by 7 pm each night. I do pretty well except for weeks like this when my husband is away!
I like your screen time goals. I aim to keep Blogger, twitter, and Facebook closed during the morning (except for a quick first-thing check of each) when I am usually trying to be productive.
I really want to read All the Light You Can Not See – I keep hearing such good things about it!!
I found your blog through Small Victories Sunday linkup – good luck on your March goals!
Book By Book
admin says
The computer off by 7 PM each night. Impressive! It’s probably a good plan to not check social media right away in the morning as they can suck up so much time. Thanks for mentioning. I need to better at that!!
Debbie says
Wonderful goals and what a way to make sure you get them done by blogging. Gonna try that MAYBE!
admin says
The blog is added motivation!
Gail Akeman says
Good goals, some I should do to like the pinnable images. or drinking the water
JES says
Thanks for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! I laughed about your hubby not liking the dessert goal! My husband always encourages eating healthier but he also has a sweet tooth and at the end of the day, he will often inquire about a little something sweet to munch on :) I think it a highlight of their long, hard-working days.
admin says
He goes back and forth between wanting to be healthy and not caring. :)
Kristin says
Great goals!! There are so many that I should imitate as well – sleep, unplugging, getting the kids outside, decluttering! You’ve definitely motivated me to make some goals myself!
admin says
Give it a try! I don’t always succeed in meeting the goals, but I’m much better off because I set them.
Brittany says
What kind of goals do you make the night before for the next morning?
admin says
Most of the goals are blogging related. Things that I want to get done before my girls wake up. Example: work on a post, link up to other blogs, respond to comments, make a certain change to the blog layout, just write, etc.
Also some mornings I add devotion as the #1 on the list, so I do that before I turn on the computer.
J @ A Hot Southern Mess says
Great goals! I try to set morning goals the night before too! It seems like I get more accomplished in the morning now that I do set goals the night before. Thanks for sharing your goals with us :)
admin says
Having a morning plan is key! Even if it’s flexable, as it needs to be with small kiddos. :)
Arabah says
Wow, that looks like a huge list to me :) I guess I don’t set enough goals, ha! I think I have them in my head but don’t write them down. Not very effective, eh? Thanks for linking with Grace and Truth!
Reviews, Chews & How-Tos says
Thanks so much for linking up at RCH Awesome Life Friday. This is a great post!
Jessica Ballard says
I like that you are holding yourself accountable to your goals, and that the goals are family and individual related as well as business, self aware ones. Great job. Thanks for linking up to Small Victories Sunday Linkup.
Andrea Mitchael says
I can’t wait to hear how March went! Something that has helped me with getting a break from technology has been to turn off notifications on selected apps on my phone. Now my phone doesn’t alert me when someone “likes” a Instagram photo or sends an email. It has helped me a lot! I’m going to write down bedtimes/wake times in April — I think that would be quite helpful!
admin says
I agree! I turned off my e-mail notification about a year ago and am so happy I’m not alerted every e-mail. Especially if it’s junk mail! I have been deleting a few apps also as another way to take a break from technology.
Good luck writing down the bedtimes and wakeup times in April. Hopefully you are more successful than I am on that. :) I’m looking forward to linking up with your goals again!